CWES Assessment - Adult Education Transfers to Community College

Clients who are approaching completion of their adult education program and who show interest in pursuing an education program at a community college may transfer to a community college. A CWES In-house Assessment is performed and begins concurrently 30 days prior to the end of the Adult Education activity to ensure participation hours are met.

Transfer Process

A. The Adult Education representative meets with client and follows referral process as follows:

  • Calls CWES Assessment (408) 758-3798 phone line to schedule an In-house assessment for group testing.
  • Notifies assigned EC via email that client expresses interest in transferring to a community college and has been referred to In-house Assessment for group testing.
  • Amends the WTW 2 to add In-House Assessment as a concurrent activity and forwards form to the assigned EC.
  • Connects the client with designated community college Transition Specialist.

B. The CST:

  • Takes phone call from Adult Education Representative for In-house Assessment and identifies available Assessment Group Testing dates in CalWIN, and enters client information in CalSAWS.
  • Mails client “Assessment Appointment” letter (CSF 7).
  • Provides phone text reminder prior to appointment.

C. The Assigned EC:

  • Receives email notification from AE Representative.
  • Adds the Assessment activity in CalSAWS and arranges for supportive services, as needed.
  • Sends the amended WTW 2 to IDM workstation.
  • Follows existing procedures.

D. The Assessment EC:

  • When client shows, updates Assessment activity to First Day Attendance.
  • Develops post-assessment plan.
  • Enters post-assessment activity in CalSAWS.
  • Follows existing procedures.

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