CWES Assessment - Disclosure of Medical Condition, Domestic Abuse, Mental Health, or Substance Abuse

When the client discloses Medical Condition, Domestic Abuse, Mental Health, or Substance Abuse problems, a referral to, or consultation with, the CalWORKs SW or HA must be made prior to, or concurrent with, the referral for Assessment.

Refer to Health Alliance in the CalWORKs Handbook for more information on Domestic Abuse.

If a client discloses a medical condition, the EC must obtain an “Authorization to Release Medical Information” (CW 61), as appropriate.

When the client discloses information indicating a possible learning disability, a learning disability screening must be conducted and at client option, may be referred to in-house Assessment.

Refer to Learning Disability Screenings.

Related Topics

CWES Assessment Overview

CWES Assessment - When to Refer for Assessment

CWES Assessment - CalWORKs 2.0

CWES Assessment - Referral for Assessment

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CWES In-House Assessment Referral Procedures

CWES Assessment - Referrals to Gavilan College

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CWES Assessment - Concurrent Assessment Referral for Continuing Clients

CWES Assessment - Completion

CWES Assessment - Tools And Process

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CWES Assessment - Referral Summary Chart

CWES Assessment - Third-Party Assessment Procedures

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CWES Assessment - Learning Disabilities

CWES Assessment - Occupational Background Checks