CWES Post-Assessment Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Development Process

The Assessment provider follows the guidelines listed below when counseling clients:

  1. Reviews the client’s:
    1. Educational history
    2. Work history
    3. Skills and abilities
    4. Test results
    5. MSP records
    6. Activity history in the case file
    7. Observations and feedback from Job Developers, Service Providers and/or ECs.
  2. Explores the client’s interests, commitment to education and training.
  3. Identifies:
    1. Employment goals
    2. Barriers to employment
    3. Possible indicators of learning disabilities
    4. Clients strengths
    5. Types of WTW activities required to attain the employment goal
    6. Service provider(s) offering the activity, and
    7. Supportive services.
  4. Reviews:
    1. Time parameters based on the 48-month time limit
    2. Hours of participation
    3. Educational Plans from college
    4. Training curriculum, and
    5. Available Supportive services.
  5. Makes appropriate referrals to:
    1. SWs
    2. Department of Rehabilitation
    3. Other organizations and/or agencies who could assist the client in becoming self-sufficient.
  6. Provides occupational information.
  7. Ensures that the WTW 2 meets all WTW requirements.

Social Workers

A CalWORKs SW is assigned to each CWES Office to assist the CWES staff in developing plans for the clients. The SWs can provide information about and referrals to most of the services available to the client, including but not limited to:

  • Domestic Abuse
  • Drug and/or alcohol abuse
  • Mental Health concerns
  • School attendance concerns
  • Problems with family or friends
  • Housing issues
  • Transportation plans
  • Any other concerns which impact the client’s ability to meet the participation rate.

Department of Rehabilitation

The AC refers the client to The DOR.

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