CWES Assessment - Referral for Assessment

When it is determined that a referral for In-House Assessment is required, the client is referred to group testing or individualized assessment for services as outlined below.

Reminder: Concurrent enrollment in another activity such as LinkedIn Learning, community service, etc. is required for In-House Assessment.

Group Testing

A client is referred to group testing:

  • Upon completion of any pre-assessment job search activity,
  • When referred for a concurrent activity and the service provider recommends In-House assessment, or
  • SIP changes greater than 30 days.

Note: Group testing is available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.

Individualized Assessment

A client is referred to Individualized Assessment by the EC when group testing is inappropriate for any reason, or when the client is referred to Assessment for a WTW plan modification or a re-assessment. Examples of situations where an Individualized Assessment is required are as follows:

  • Physical limitations
  • Monolingual in any language except English, Spanish, or Vietnamese
  • Educational background below the fifth grade.

Welfare to Work (WTW) Plan Development

A client is scheduled for a WTW Plan development appointment with an Assessment Counselor when group testing is completed.

30-Day Change

A client is referred back to Assessment for Individualized Assessment when a request for change in the WTW Plan is made.

A request to change the WTW Plan:

  • May be exercised only once, and
  • Must be made within 30 days from the start date of the activity.

Note: Refer the client back to Assessment if the WTW Plan was developed by former Keys to Success. Refer to Learning Disability Screenings.

WTW Plan Modification

A client is referred back to Assessment when there is a change in the vocational goal. The EC must determine good cause and the client must have time on the 60-month time limit. CWES supervisor approval is required. (A change of service provider does not require a referral back to Assessment).

When a Community Health Alliance counselor and/or client requests a change or modification in their employment/education/training plans, a case coordination meeting should occur. This case coordination meeting will include the following:

  • EC
  • AC
  • Health Alliance Counselor
  • CalWORKs District Office SW, and
  • Client (optional).

The outcome of the case coordination meeting is a mutually-agreed upon modification plan.

Note: The client’s current WTW Plan may be modified in order to include any necessary accommodations, if the client has a documented LD.

Related Topics

CWES Assessment Overview

CWES Assessment - Disclosure of Medical Condition, Domestic Abuse, Mental Health, or Substance Abuse

CWES Assessment - When to Refer for Assessment

CWES Assessment - CalWORKs 2.0

CWES Assessment - Adult Education Transfers to Community College

CWES Post-Assessment Referrals After a Break In Cash Aid

CWES In-House Assessment Referral Procedures

CWES Assessment - Referrals to Gavilan College

CWES Assessment - Outcome of In-House Assessment Referral

CWES Assessment - Concurrent Assessment Referral for Continuing Clients

CWES Assessment - Completion

CWES Assessment - Tools And Process

CWES Post-Assessment Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Development Process

CWES Assessment - Referral Summary Chart

CWES Assessment - Third-Party Assessment Procedures

CWES Assessment - Physical and Mental Capacities Questionnaires

CWES Assessment - Learning Disabilities

CWES Assessment - Occupational Background Checks