CWES Assessment - Referral Summary Chart

The following is a chart, summarizing the In-House Assessment Referral Process:

If the client...

Then the next activity is...

Service Provider

Required Documents

Is interested in attending Gavilan Community College short-term training program,

Assessment along with concurrent activity

Gavilan Community College

CSF 7, SCD 1771, SCD 1723, WTW 15, WTW 2, and when appropriate CW 61

Is currently a client with DOR and not attending vocational training,

Assessment (Individualized Assessment)

CWES In-House Assessment

WTW 2, IPE, CW 61, and if appropriate, SCD 1771

Is attending a Basic Education Activity ESL/GED,

Assessment concurrent with ESL/GED

CWES In-House Assessment when Adult Education recommends
‎In-House Assessment

WTW 2; For in-House Assessment, use WTW 2 (write in the comment section reason for assessment), IPE, CW 61, and if appropriate SCD 1771

Discloses a disability or limitation other than a learning disabilities and is not attending vocational training,

Assessment (If appropriate, Job Search option can be offered to the client.)
‎Individualized Assessment

CWES In-House Assessment

WTW 2, CW 61, if appropriate, and SCD 1771

Discloses a learning disability or information indicating a potential learning disability,


CWES In-House Assessment

WTW 18, WTW 19, and WTW 20

Is not MSP in an educational or vocational activity with good cause,

Assessment (Individualized Assessment or Group Testing)

CWES In-House Assessment or Adult Education

WTW 2, SCD 1771, CW 61, and if appropriate

Is completing JS/Networking and the next activity is not ESL/GED,

Assessment (Group Testing)

CWES In-House Assessment

WTW 2, and SCD 1771

Is currently an SIP, and wants to change vocational goal

Assessment (group testing) concurrent with their vocational training.

CWES In-House Assessment



If the client...

Then the next activity is...

Service Provider

Required Documents

Is completing JS/Networking and the next activity is ESL, ABE, or GED,

Assessment and ABE

Note: Referring activity is Assessment. The adult ed site determines ESL, ABE or GED

Adult Education

WTW 2, SCD 1723

Has an existing Post-Assessment WTW 2; is not enrolled or attending school; the assigned activity is no longer appropriate, and has time on the 60-month time limit,


Post-Assessment WTW Plan


CWES In-House Assessment

WTW 2, SCD 1771,

CW 61, as appropriate

Has an existing Post-Assessment WTW 2; is not enrolled or attending school and resuming; the assigned activity is appropriate, and has time on the 60-month time limit,

Restore the activity(ies) as specified in the Post-Assessment WTW Plan (Post-Assessment Restoration)

Employment Counselor (EC)


Has an existing Post-Assessment WTW 2; but is enrolled or attending school; and has time on the 48-month time limit,

SIP (Post-assessment or Vocational Training) or SNA



SIP Enrollment verification documents.

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