General Assistance Token Program
Policy GA Policy [287] - Transit Passes
Transit passes shall be issued to persons applying for General Assistance, or associated programs, in order for applicants to complete initial application.
The “General Assistance Pilot Bus Token Project” formally know as General Assistance Token Program, began June 2008. As a request from the Legal Advocates and in an effort to assist the clients in remote areas such as the South County and North County District offices, a pilot is proposed to issue bus tokens equivalent to a day pass to the potentially eligible GA and CAPI (or any CalFresh and/or Medi-Cal applications associated with these programs) that are located in those areas, for the purpose of completing their initial application at the GA District office.
North and South County District Office’s Required Action
The following is required from South County and North County District Offices when a client applies for GA and/or CAPI (or any other application associated with these programs):
- The case must be app reg’d in CalSAWS and the client must be given an appointment while in the office, as opposed to sending the application to the GA District office.
- A GA/CAPI intake packet must be provided to the client.
- Homeless clients applying for GA or CAPI or any Programs associated with these programs must be permitted to pick up their mail and utilize the North and South County District Offices as their mailing address. These clients are required to pick up their mail on a weekly basis. On a monthly basis the unclaimed mail is to be returned to the GA District office.
[Refer to "Homeless Mailing Address" in the Common Place HB].
- Bus tokens must be issued to clients applying for GA/CAPI or any Programs associated with these programs. Only one bus token may be issued (with the exception of having to reschedule for an appointment.) The GA Pilot “Bus Token Log” (Temp BC) must be maintained for audit purposes for each respective office.
- A daily count must be maintained by North and South County District Offices of all GA/CAPI applications taken on the “GA/CAPI/FS/MC Application Count Log” (Temp AL). This information is needed for evaluation purposes.
General Assistance District Office’s Required Action
The following actions must be taken by the GA District office:
- Bus tokens will be distributed to the North and South County District Offices with a supply of the Temp BLs.
- A supply of the Temp ALs will be issued.
- GA/CAPI packets will be delivered to both district offices.
- The GA OMC will work with North and South County District office OMCs or Leads to ensure everything is set up for them to register the GA applicants, as well as to familiarize/introduce clerical with the GA/CAPI application process.
Two new forms are developed:
- “GA/CAP/FS/MC Application Count Log” (Temp AL) 05/08.
- “GA Pilot Bus Tokens Log” (Temp BL) 05/08.
The General Assistance office will forward an initial supply of these forms, along with GA/CAPI Intake packets to the North County and South County District offices.
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