Housing Assistance
The amount of housing assistance to be paid is based on the actual combined cost of housing and utilities or room and board, depending on the client's living arrangement or the maximum GA grant level, whichever is less [Refer to "Needs Standards" in the Chartbook].
Housing costs will be converted into monthly expenses if not already billed in this manner.
- If the lowest available rate for basic telephone service is more than the State standard deduction of $6.00, verify the cost and allow the higher amount. The case folder must be documented that the rate allowed is the lowest available rate. Otherwise, use the standard deduction of $6.00.
Note: Telephone rental is an allowable cost in the telephone standard, but purchase price is not allowable.
- Vendor pay all rental/room and board assistance directly to the landlord.
- Pay mortgage/taxes/insurance directly to the applicant/recipient.
- Pay utilities if the applicant/recipient indicates that they are required to pay utilities. A bill from the utility company in the applicant's/recipient's name MUST be provided. The average amount of the utilities may be added to the personal needs grant, provided that the maximum GA grant for the household will not be exceeded for each month of allowance. If the bill is not in the name of the applicant/recipient, the bill must be in the name of the landlord. If not, the amount claimed for utilities will be disallowed.
Vendor Payment
All payments for housing assistance must be paid directly to the property owner/ manager/ agent/ landlord as stated in GA Policy [281].
The General Assistance Shelter Payments will be paid as Vendor Payments in CalSAWS. Landlords are notified of the issuance process on the “Housing Assistance Verification” (GA 31) or “Client’s Housing Assistance Statement” (GA 11), and agree to this policy upon signing the form. However, EWs are to advise clients that the landlord will usually not receive the check until the 4th or 5th of the month. In some instances, it can be later. The GA Bureau will not be subject to late charges, in the event the check is received late, and late charges are applied.
Reminder: All vendors who are eligible to receive payments for housing assistance must be entered as a Provider in CalSAWS.
Only the Personal Needs portion of the grant is to be issued directly to the client via the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) procedures.
- Homeowners paying their own mortgage and tax payments
- Residential Care Homes (Refer to Special Programs chapter)
- Homeless Mentally Ill Facilities
- Homeless recipients paying for emergency shelter (Refer to Homeless - Payment Principals)
- Drug Rehabilitation Facilities (Refer to Drug Rehabilitation Program)
- Mental Rehabilitation Facilities (Refer to ALLIANCE for Community Care)
Clients who do not make a payment for housing are only eligible for the Personal Needs portion of the grant. (Refer to Budgeting, Homeless - Payment Principals, and Homeless Shelter Referrals for exceptions)
Exception: Clients who request to be placed in a county-provided shelter bed but due to shelter availability or the clients meeting an exception for shelter placement, may receive the full grant (both personal and housing needs). Refer to Homeless Shelters Referrals.
Note: Applicants/recipients who own, (or are buying) their home, are not subject to the vendor payment provisions of the GA program. In order to qualify for housing assistance, verification must be provided of the amount of mortgage payments, taxes, insurance and utilities.
Refer to Vendors chapter Overview.
Intake Payment Without A Case Record
When applicable, if the case record is unavailable in Imaging for any reason, (or the previous physical case folder) has not arrived from Retention Center (RETC); payment may be made in intake without the case file after completion of the eligibility determination; provided it has been more than three months since the last discontinuance and/or that the EW ensures the client has not been previously sanctioned.
Note: It is imperative that the duration of the sanction has been entered in CalSAWS.
Related Topics
Initial Payment of Aid - GA Policy [271]
Employment or Training Commencement Payment (ETC) - GA Policy [275]
Shelters Payments - GA Policy [281]
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) for GA Payments
General Assistance Token Program
Reported Changes - GA Policy [105]
Motel Reimbursement for Homeless