Special Needs - Diet

Special Diet Request

There is no eligibility solely for special needs. All GA eligibility requirements must be met in order for an applicant/recipient to qualify for a GA special need. Upon the client’s request for a special Need(s) form “Special Need Requisition” (SCD 414) must be completed to be approved from both eligibility Work Supervisor (EWS) and SSPM. When the applicant/recipient is eligible for a special need, based on an individual’s need for a therapeutic diet, the “Special Diet Request” (CSF 25) must be completed.

[Refer to "Special Needs" in the DEBS BP].

Example:Example:A client indicates at her RRR that she is diabetic and that her doctor/physician has recommended that she go on a special diet. The EW will complete the CSF 25 in duplicate, giving the original to the client to take to her doctor/physician. The client brings the CSF 25 completed by her doctor/physician back to the EW, who can then authorize a special need payment.


Note: Payment of a special need is the only instance when the amount of the Maximum Grant may be exceeded.

Therapeutic Diet Amounts

If the client is determined eligible for a therapeutic diet and wishes to use the standard, the EW allows:

  • $15 for:
    • Diabetic, 2200 calories or more.
    • High Calorie - High Protein diets (including special formula for infant).
    • Lactating mothers (while breast-feeding).
  • $9 for:
    • Diabetic diets, under 2200 calories.
    • Bland diets.
    • Low Fat - Cholesterol diets.
    • Low Salt diets (sodium, under three grams).

Reminder: The doctor/physician must specify the Therapeutic Diet amounts prior to approval.

Special Diet Effective Date

In Intake, if the completed CSF 25 is received in the month of application, the payment shall be prorated from the date of initial GA eligibility.

In Continuing, the effective date of payment for a special diet, is the date that the request is made by the recipient if the CSF 25 is received in the same month.

For both Intake and Continuing, if the completed CSF 25 is provided later than the month of application/request, payment is made effective the 1st of the month in which the CSF 25 is received.

Review of Special Diet

Special diets must be reviewed by obtaining a new CSF 25 at the following times (whichever comes first):

  • Intake,
  • The month in which the need for the special diet expires, as stated on the previous CSF 25, or 
  • Every 12 months.

The EW must set an Alert to ensure that the required verifications are received timely. 

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