Employment & Retention Services - Full-Time and Part-Time Employment

Full-Time Employment

Full-time employment is defined as employment of 30 hours or more per week.

Note: To meet participation requirements, a one-parent AU with a child less than six (6) years is required to participate 20 hours per week; a one parent AU with no child less than six (6) years is required to participate 30 hours/week; and for a two-parent AU, 35 hours is required.

Earnings from employment must be at least the state or federal ($7.25/hour) minimum wage. If neither wage applies, the work must be compensated in an amount equivalent to the lesser of the two. Full-time employment can be unsubsidized or subsidized in the private or public sector.

Part-time Employment

Part-time employment is defined as employment of less than 30 hours per week.

A part-time employed participant must be assigned to an appropriate concurrent activity such as part-time Supervised Job Search, or WEX to meet the required hours of participation.

A client with two part-time jobs signs a “Welfare-To-Work Plan Activity Agreement” (WTW 2) that reflects two part-time employment activities. And in CalWIN, two separate part-time activities that meet required hours of participation are scheduled.

Reminder: To meet participation requirements, a one-parent AU with a child less than six (6) years is required to participate 20 hours per week; a one parent AU with no child less than six (6) years is required to participate 30 hours/week; and for a two-parent AU, 35 hours is required.

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