Employment & Retention Services and Resources

If specific reporting or verification requirements exist for a program, service or resource, Post-Aid clients must comply with the requirements outlined for each individual program.

Retroactive payments are not permitted. Requests for services are authorized back to the first day in the month in which service are requested.

Services Available to Post-Aid Clients

CWES continues to examine client needs and ways to further assist as they move from cash aid towards self-sufficiency. As a result of this effort, the list below is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of Post-Aid Services, merely to identify those services which may be of immediate benefit to Post-Aid clients.

Additional Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Programs

Post-Aid clients have made a major leap towards self-sufficiency by becoming employed; however, employment alone may not be enough to attain “total self-sufficiency.” To that end, additional programs and services may be available to PAS clients and their families. Each individual program will state whether or not they are available to Post-Aid clients.

Refer to program updates for information on any additional programs that become available.

Related Topics

Employment & Retention Services Policy

Employment & Retention Services - Minimum Wage Ordinance

Employment & Retention Services - Full-Time and Part-Time Employment

Employment & Retention Services - Self-Employment

Employment & Retention Services - Under-Employment Policy

Employment & Retention Services - Employment Placement

Employment & Retention Services

Employment & Retention Services - Recording Employment Follow-up in CalWIN

Employment & Retention Services - Incentives

Employment & Retention Services - Post-Aid Services (PAS)

Employment & Retention Services - Quarterly Post-Aid Services (PAS) Employment Retention

Employment & Retention Services - Becoming Unemployed during Post-Aid Services (PAS)

Employment & Retention Services - CalWORKs 60-Month Timing Out Clients

Employment & Retention Services - Completion of Post-Aid Services (PAS) Period