Employment & Retention Services - Becoming Unemployed during Post-Aid Services (PAS)

When eligible PAS participants become unemployed during the 12-month PAS period, they may continue to be eligible for PAS for two consecutive months (up to a maximum of 62 days, i.e., combined months: July and August or December and January) from the last day of employment to allow for job search, training or to accept new employment. PAS participants are to be informed of the availability of the ECC to receive assistance with employment leads. They are also to be informed of the AAC, should they choose to reapply for cash aid. Refer to Employment & Retention Services - Early Post-Aid Services (PAS) Termination Due to CalWORKs Approval below if client goes back on cash aid.

Clients should be reminded that if they chose to use this two-month period and they do not become employed at the end of that time:

  • Services will not continue, and
  • Services can resume only when they become employed part or full-time.

PAS are discontinued if client does not become employed full- or part-time by the end of the two-month period, or if they reach the end of the 12-month Post-Aid period, whichever occurs first.

Verification of Job Search and/or Training Activities

Job search and/or training activities may be verified by either of the following forms:

Form No.

Form Name


SCD 101

General Affidavit

Client provides a statement under penalty of per- jury as to his/her activities. A “Child Care Billing” (SCD 1755B) is NOT necessary because child- care is NOT needed.

SCD 1755A

Attendance Verification

Client’s declaration under penalty of perjury that child care was needed during the times specified for client’s job search or training activity.

Subsequent Employment

If a client obtains a new job during the PAS period, but before the quarterly follow-up is completed, the quarterly follow-up is completed from the original discontinuance date on the new employment.

Early Post-Aid Services (PAS) Termination Due to CalWORKs Approval

The PAS period may be terminated prior to the end of the 12th month, if the client re-applies for CalWORKs and is approved. Clients who are approved cash aid within the PAS period must be referred to an Employment Services Orientation, if there is a break in aid of 30 days or more. The case is transferred back to CWES Intake for an Orientation and is assigned to a worker number as follows:

CWES Office

Caseload ID

San Jose - 1879 Senter Road


North County

A9ZR (North/South County Orientations are scheduled by San Jose Office)

South County

A9ZR (North/South County Orientations are scheduled by San Jose Office)

CalWORKs Approval

For clients who are no longer employed at the time of the employment follow-up and CalWORKs program status is approved:

  • Notify the EW
  • Change the WTW registration status to “Registered,” and
  • Refer client to a WTW activity.

For clients not receiving cash aid, refer to Employment & Retention Services and Resources for information.

Related Topics

Employment & Retention Services Policy

Employment & Retention Services - Minimum Wage Ordinance

Employment & Retention Services - Full-Time and Part-Time Employment

Employment & Retention Services - Self-Employment

Employment & Retention Services - Under-Employment Policy

Employment & Retention Services - Employment Placement

Employment & Retention Services

Employment & Retention Services - Recording Employment Follow-up in CalWIN

Employment & Retention Services - Incentives

Employment & Retention Services - Post-Aid Services (PAS)

Employment & Retention Services - Quarterly Post-Aid Services (PAS) Employment Retention

Employment & Retention Services and Resources

Employment & Retention Services - CalWORKs 60-Month Timing Out Clients

Employment & Retention Services - Completion of Post-Aid Services (PAS) Period