Employment & Retention Services - Quarterly Post-Aid Services (PAS) Employment Retention

During PAS, case management is provided, which includes quarterly employment follow up. The assigned EC will outreach to client and address employment-related issues and offer resources such as employment related workshops.

Refer to Employment Follow-Up Services for information on client outreach. Clients are eligible for monthly supportive services, including quarterly Employment Incentive payments if eligible and employment is verified.

Refer to Employment Retention Incentives & Eligibility Criteria and Employment Verification.

Recording PAS Employment Follow-Up in CalSAWS

Per case management procedures, employment follow-up is recorded timely and as follows:

A. During the 30 days off aid, record final monthly employment follow-up prior to transferring case to PAS Unit:

  • From [Follow Up] tab select “Follow Up” method.
  • Select status from “follow-up status” drop-drop menu.
  • Click on [Save] button.

Note: A new Follow-Up Status of “Pending” with “Follow-up every 30 days” type becomes auto-generated with a “Follow Up Date of 30 days from prior Follow Up Date.

  • Change the “Follow up Date” to 90 days from current date.
  • Enter a Journal Entry.

Note: When CalWORKs is discontinued prior to initial employment follow-up, the initial follow-up and $500 payment can be provided during the first month of PAS.

B. First quarterly employment follow-up at (90) days:

  • From “Follow Up Method,” select method of client contact.
  • Select the status from “follow-up status” drop-drop menu and save record.

Note: When the row is saved, a new “Pending” follow up status is auto-generated along with a new “Follow-up every 30 days” Follow Up Type.

  • Change “Follow-up Date” to 90 days from current date.
  • Change Follow Up Type from “Follow-up every 30 days” to “Follow-up every 90 days” and save record.
  • Enter a Journal Entry.

C. Second Quarterly Employment Follow-up:

  • Ninety (90) days from prior Employment Follow-Up, contact client.
  • Select the status from “follow-up status” drop-drop menu and save record.

Note: When the row is saved, a new “Pending” follow up status is auto-generated along with a new “Follow-up every 30 days” Follow Up Type.

  • Change “Follow-up Date” to 90 days from current date.
  • Change Follow Up Type from “Follow-up every 30 days” to “Follow-up every 90 days” and save record.
  • Enter a Journal Entry.

D. Third Quarterly Employment Follow Up

  • Ninety (90) days from prior Employment Follow-Up, contact client.
  • Select the status from “follow-up status” drop-drop menu and save record.

Note: When the row is saved, a new “Pending” follow up status is auto-generated along with a new “Follow-up every 30 days” Follow Up Type.

  • Enter Journal Entry.

Note: PAS quarterly incentive payments cannot be issued after the end of the 12-month PAS period.

CalSAWS Subcategory Payments

Quarterly employment retention incentive payments are issued as ancillary via EBT (or warrant as an exception) to eligible participants. Prior to issuing payment, review CalSAWS Benefit Issuance for any prior issuances. Each of the following four issuance types is one time only:

  • “PAS Empl Retent Paymt 1” for issuing the first $250 quarterly payment
  • “PAS Empl Retent Paymt 2” for issuing second $250 quarterly payment
  • “PAS Empl Retent Paymt 3” for issuing third $250 quarterly payment

Note: The “PAS Empl Retent Paymt 4” can be issued as part of subsequent PAS period.

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