Employment & Retention Services - Recording Employment Follow-up in CalWIN

Employment follow-up is recorded in CalWIN via the Collect Employment Information window, which is accessed through Maintain Employment Services Participation as illustrated below:

Follow-up Windows

After selecting the Employment Detail, the Collect Employment Information, [Job], [Placement], [Follow Up] and [Job Services] tabs become enabled.

Note: If the EC becomes aware of employment first, initiate a  request to inform the EW.

Job Tab

As part of the case management, the Collect Employment Information, [Job] tab is completed as follows:

Note: If the employer did not check the “Non-Profit” or “Profit” box on the SCD 549-A, the designated EC must make a determination on their own to ensure the information is captured.

Placement Tab

As part of case management, the Collect Employment Information, [Placement] tab is completed as follows:

  • From the “Related to Program” drop-down menu, select a CWES Program.
  • From “Related to Activity” field, select most recent activity from which participant became employed. When participant has multiple activities, select activity with most hours.

Note: For clients employed at CWES Orientation, select “Orientation” activity.

  • From “Placed by User” field, enter name of assigned EC.

Job Services Tab

As part of case management and initial employment follow-up, the Collect Employment Information, the [Job Services] tab is completed as follows:

  • From the “Job Retention Offered [Y/N],” select “Yes” from drop-down.
  • From “Job Retention Accepted [Y/N],” select “Yes.”

Follow-Up Tab

When the EW enters the Employment Begin Date in the Collect Employment History Detail window, the following occurs within the [Follow Up] tab:

  • “Follow-Up Date” auto-generates with a date of 30 days from Employment Begin Date.
  • “Follow Up Status” defaults to “Pending.”
  • “Follow Up Type” defaults to “Follow-up every 30 days.”

As part of case management and employment follow-up, the Collect Employment Information, [Follow Up] tab is completed by the assigned EC.

The EC contacts client thirty (30) days from Employment Begin Date and updates the “Pending” follow up status as follows:

  • Select method of client contact from the “Follow Up Method” drop-down menu.
  • Select the follow-up status from the “Follow Up Status” drop-down menu.

Note: The “Follow Up Status Date” defaults to current date.

  • Click on [Save] button.

Note: A new Follow Up Status of “Pending” with “Follow-up every 30 days” type becomes auto-generated with a follow up date of 30 days from prior follow up date.

  • Enter Case Comments.
  • Repeat steps above every 30 days.

Note: Do not change the “Follow Up Date.”

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