Employment & Retention Services - Post-Aid Services (PAS)

PAS are provided to ensure former CalWORKs recipients:

  • Retain or advance in current employment,
  • Train for better employment opportunities, or
  • Accept new employment

Eligible Post-Aid Client

An eligible Post-Aid client is a former CalWORKs client who is employed and received cash aid for at least one month during the last 12 months, and is currently a resident of Santa Clara County. Fleeing felons are NOT eligible for PAS.

Note: Effective April 1, 2015, convicted drug felons are CWES eligible as long as they do not violate the conditions of their probation or parole.


The case should be reviewed by the assigned EC and/or Stage II Child Care EC if the client is employed at the time of discontinuance and services are requested. The cash aid discontinuance reasons listed below may result in ineligibility for PAS:

  • WTW Sanction
  • Resident of a correctional facility
  • No longer resident of California
  • ICT

Note: If the CalWORKs Program remains open for other AU members, refer WTW-sanctioned individual to go through the Curing Sanction process.

The EC completes the following for cases with the above discontinuance reasons:

  • Issue supportive services discontinuance NOA and/or Stage II denial NOA, if applicable.
  • Make final child care payment upon receipt of “Child Care Billing” (SCD 1755B), if applicable.
  • From the Maintain Employment Services Participation window, update the registration status.
  • Update the Activity Status to “Complete” in the Maintain Status History window using the last day of the month that the client is eligible for cash aid.
  • Initiate direct referral for Stage II Child Care for WTW sanctioned clients by emailing the Alternative Payment Program Direct Referral (SCD 1717).

Document the reason for the closing in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS and submit the case to the supervisor for closing.

PAS Period

The Post-Aid period begins the first day of the month following date cash aid was discontinued or a diversion payment month, and continues for up to 12 consecutive months. The PAS period starts the 1st of the month following the month cash aid is discontinued and ends the last day of the 12th month.

Should the Post-Aid eligible client not take advantage of these services or if there is an interruption in the PAS, the PAS period will not be extended.

In a two-parent household where one parent is receiving PAS and leaves the home, the individual is eligible to continue receiving PAS when he/she is no longer part of the AU.

Example: Client is discontinued from CalWORKs September 30th and is employed at the time of discontinuance. The PAS period begins October 1st and ends September 30th.

WTW-Sanctioned Clients

Current participants who become WTW-sanctioned, or former recipients with a WTW sanction, are not eligible for PAS. If individual has sufficient CalWORKs TOA remaining, he/she must lift the sanction and participate in WTW to receive supportive services. Individuals who choose not to lift the sanction are referred to the A9P designated staff for direct enrollment to Stage II Child Care, as appropriate.

Informing Post-Aid Clients

Research and statistics indicate that post-aid clients are at high risk of losing or quitting their jobs during the first year of employment, especially during the first 30 days. For this reason, it is important to respond to all inquiries and requests for PAS in a timely manner. The EC sends “Attention Off-Aid Employment Clients” (SCD 384) form to all clients who are discontinued from cash aid and are working at the time of discontinuance. The “Acknowledgment of Limited Sharing of Information for the Administration of Cash Aid Programs” (SCD 103) is to be issued with the SCD 384 and submit to IDM upon receipt.

CWES cases must not be closed without a review of PAS and available resources with the client, whenever possible.

Eligible Post-Aid clients who do not have an assigned EC may call:

  • (408) 758-3777 to request services during the Post-Aid Services period
  • (408) 758-3500 to request Stage II Child Care

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