Employment & Retention Services - Employment Placement

The assigned EC assists clients with employment placement and obtaining employment verification. During the conversation, the EC explains the benefits of employment retention services and that services will be provided to employed clients. In CalWIN, the “Job Retention Offered” and “Job Retention Accepted” switches are both to be set to “Yes.” Refer to Job Services Tab for additional information.

Tracking employment information is important in order to meet federal and state requirements. Employment placements is a performance indicator that helps measure outcomes for self-sufficiency. In addition to documenting and monitoring employment information, the employment data that is entered in CalSAWS is used to complete various state and local reports, including the WTW 25/WTW 25a.

Employment Information

When a client obtains employment, the employment information is initially entered in CalSAWS by the EW. The information is used to:

  • Document the employer’s information
  • Assist to monitor the client’s information
  • Assist to monitor the client’s 12-month PAS period
  • Document medical and dental benefits received by the client and/or family members
  • Document the client’s employment end date and the reason.

When the initial employment information is entered by the EW, the Collect Employment Information window becomes enabled for the EC to provide employment follow-up. An employment record is added by the EW in Data Collection for each job.

Employment Verification

Acceptable employment placement verification includes, but is not limited to:

  • “Employment Verification” (SCD 549A)
  • Pay check stubs
  • Periodic report (such as SAR 7 completed for CalWORKs eligibility)
  • Letter from employer
  • Information processed by the EW in CalSAWS and/or in IDM.
  • The Work Number

Note: The Work Number is ONLY to be utilized to verify employment, income, and participation for WPR purposes, determine eligibility for Stage One Child Care and when a client transitions from Stage One Child Care to Stage Two Child Care.

Counting Placements at Orientation

The employments from clients who attend CWES Orientation who are already employed and employments after orientation are counted as job placements.

Length of Assignment for Employment Activity

Part-time employment or full-time employment is assigned in increments of 12 months or until end of employment, whichever comes first; however, supportive services are assigned in three-month increments.

Recording Employment Information by Eligibility Workers (EWs)

EWs are required to update the Collect Employment History window, which is part of Data Collection, when a change occurs in the employment record or when there is a change in hourly wages. Income and budget changes will continue to be processed by EWs in accordance with applicable policy. Refer to Program Directive 2016-11 for additional information.

Employment Services Subsystem

The Employment Detail window does not become enabled until the EW enters the new employment record in Data Collection.

Note: When an EW receives a CalSAWS Alert that a new Hire Registry (NHR) has been received, the EW must take appropriate action in a timely manner. Refer to CalSAWS Announcement (CA 145) for more information.

Multiple Employments

When a client has more than one job, a separate Collect Employment History Detail window is entered in CalSAWS by the EW, which triggers a separate Employment Detail for the EC to follow-up.

Related Topics

Employment & Retention Services Policy

Employment & Retention Services - Minimum Wage Ordinance

Employment & Retention Services - Full-Time and Part-Time Employment

Employment & Retention Services - Self-Employment

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Employment & Retention Services

Employment & Retention Services - Recording Employment Follow-up in CalWIN

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Employment & Retention Services - Post-Aid Services (PAS)

Employment & Retention Services - Quarterly Post-Aid Services (PAS) Employment Retention

Employment & Retention Services - Becoming Unemployed during Post-Aid Services (PAS)

Employment & Retention Services and Resources

Employment & Retention Services - CalWORKs 60-Month Timing Out Clients

Employment & Retention Services - Completion of Post-Aid Services (PAS) Period