Employment & Retention Services - CalWORKs 60-Month Timing Out Clients

AB 79 which is to be implemented on May 1, 2022 imposes a 60-month lifetime limit on the receipt of CalWORKs cash aid for nonexempt aided adults. SSA provides the following services for up to 12 months to clients who time out while employed:

If the Client is...

Then the Client is eligible for...

Employed full or part-time,

STAGE I pending STAGE II child care and a referral to an Alternative Payment Provider (APP) for STAGE II child care, if the income is below the State Median Income limit.

12 months of all Post-Aid Supportive Services.

Quarterly Employment Retention and employment incentive payments, if eligible.

Enrolled in Education and/or Vocational Training,

A Direct Referral to an APP for STAGE II child care. The worker is to email the Alternative Payment Program Direct Referral (SCD 1717).

If the client is not employed or enrolled in an Education and/or Vocational Training Program at the time of the discontinuance, then the client is not eligible for Stage II Child Care. To be eligible for other employment retention services during the PAS period, the individual must have been employed at the time of discontinuance.

Post-Aid Services (PAS) for Timed-Out Clients

Clients who time out of the CalWORKs Program are eligible for 12 months of Post-Aid Services if the client is employed on the last day of eligibility of the 60-month CalWORKs discontinuance and the first day of the following month.

The EC must screen all PAS requests to determine if:

  • The client was discontinued from CalWORKs due to reaching the 60-month time limit
  • A timed out client was employed at the time of the discontinuance.

The status of Timed-Out (Post Aid) must be assigned when the individual times out and is eligible for PAS. When their PAS period ends, the status must be changed to Timed-Out (Safety Net) and the case sent to closed files with the Timed-Out (Safety Net) status.

Timed-Out Safety Net

Timed-Out (Safety Net) status applies to individuals who reached the end of CalWORKs 60-month TOA, but the CalWORKs program remains open for other AU members. Clients who timed-out and who are not eligible for PAS must be assigned to the status Timed-Out (Safety Net).

Refer to Supportive Services for additional information.

Note: However, these clients are eligible for Stage II Child Care. If the case has already been sent to closed files and the former recipient requests child care services, refer them to the Stage II telephone line. Refer to Employment & Retention Services - Post-Aid Services (PAS).

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