Employment & Retention Services

Upon becoming informed that client became employed, the EC initiates employment retention services. Employment retention is part of case management and includes outreaching to employed clients via employment follow-up to offer assistance to retain employment as needed. Employment-related workshops are provided as a resource to support employment retention.

Employment follow-up is monthly for on-aid individuals and quarterly during the PAS period. Refer to Employment & Retention Services - Post-Aid Services (PAS) for additional information.

Employment Retention Incentives & Eligibility Criteria

In addition to case management, which includes employment retention and supportive services, employment incentive payments are paid to eligible participants. To receive the incentives, the participant must be employed at least 20 hours per week in unsubsidized or subsidized employment. Under-employed participants, and participants whose calculated self-employment hours of employment are less than the federal minimum wage are not eligible for the incentive payments. Refer Calculated Hours and Employment & Retention Services - Under-Employment Policy for additional information.

Prior to receiving each payment, employment must be verified. Refer to Employment Verification. Employment retention incentives are paid per eligible participant and as follows:

  • An initial one-time only payment of $500 if retains employment with same employer for at least 30 days, and employed for at least 20 hours per week and client is making satisfactory progress and:
    • Meeting case participation requirements (20/30/35 hours per week) for active CalWORKs clients, or
    • Discontinued from CalWORKs due to earned income, timed-out, or client requested CalWORKs discontinuance. 
  • During PAS, up to four (4) quarterly $250 one time only payments totaling up to $1,000, if is employed during each quarterly employment follow-up.
  • The combined maximum for all employment retention incentive payments is up to $1,500, which includes the initial $500 payment.

Employment Follow-Up Services

When contacting client, the EC will identify him or herself and determine with client if it is a good time to talk. If appropriate, make arrangements to call at a later time when the client is at home or away from the workplace. The EC must make every attempt to conduct employment follow-up timely during each follow up interval. Employment follow-up is to:

  • Discuss the benefits of retention services, such as case management, supportive services and employment incentives.
  • Determine if contact information is up to date (home address, phone, and email), and inform client to notify EC of any future changes.
  • Initiate appropriate referral for services such as rapid rehousing or Family Stabilization (only if on CalWORKs aid), when the need is homelessness.
  • Assess the need for supportive services, including need for youth bus passes.
  • Ask client questions pertaining to the employment:
    • Is client employed with same employer.
    • Has client received any wage increases and/or promotions.
    • Number of hours employed per week.
    • Ask about attendance history to identify and help resolve issues.
  • Provide coaching assistance to address work-related issues, or conflicts with supervisor and/or co-workers, and offer appropriate workshops.
  • Identify next steps for career advancement, such as assistance with updating resume, asking if interested in exploring other job opportunities, and remind client of the EC Staffing Website for available positions and upcoming events.
  • Provide information pertaining to other appropriate workshops.
  • Inform client of CWES programs and initiatives, such as youth workshops, any upcoming subsidized employment programs for youths, and Safety Net Subsidized Employment.
  • To update CalSAWS Employment Services follow-up windows.
  • Document in Maintain Case Comments the outcome of the contact.

Collecting Employment Follow-Up

The information necessary to complete the employment follow-up in CalSAWS can be obtained by any of the following methods:

  • Contacting the client at home
  • Contacting the client at work
  • Contacting the employer if release has been signed
  • Receipt of “Attendance Verification” (SCD 1755A)
  • Current paycheck stubs.
  • The Work Number
  • Information from Eligibility Worker
  • Viewing income in CalSAWS Wrap-Up subsystem on the Display Recipient Eligibility Test window

Related Topics

Employment & Retention Services Policy

Employment & Retention Services - Minimum Wage Ordinance

Employment & Retention Services - Full-Time and Part-Time Employment

Employment & Retention Services - Self-Employment

Employment & Retention Services - Under-Employment Policy

Employment & Retention Services - Employment Placement

Employment & Retention Services - Recording Employment Follow-up in CalWIN

Employment & Retention Services - Incentives

Employment & Retention Services - Post-Aid Services (PAS)

Employment & Retention Services - Quarterly Post-Aid Services (PAS) Employment Retention

Employment & Retention Services - Becoming Unemployed during Post-Aid Services (PAS)

Employment & Retention Services and Resources

Employment & Retention Services - CalWORKs 60-Month Timing Out Clients

Employment & Retention Services - Completion of Post-Aid Services (PAS) Period