Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Student Training and Education Program (STEP) Provisions

Effective January 1, 2021, SB 1232 provides program flexibility to CalWORKs WTW participants who are enrolled full-time or part-time at a publicly funded or non-profit (henceforth referred to as publicly funded) post-secondary institutions of higher education, such as community colleges, technical schools, 4-year colleges or universities, as well as adult education and adult schools. SB 1232 provisions also apply to online schools that meet the definition of a publicly funded post-secondary institution of higher education, even if the actual institution is located out-of-state.

Effective January 1, 2023, SB 768 made changes to the program established by SB 1232.  The program established by SB 1232 and impacted by the passage of SB 768 is now known as the Student Training and Education Program (STEP).   


SB 1232 allows participants to enroll in Adult Education, ESLHSD, GED, Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, teaching credential, and undeclared major/certificate programs. The AEC/EC is to follow current procedures for participants enrolled or enrolling in private for-profit post-secondary educational institutions (non-SB 1232), which include following existing criteria for SIP and In-house Assessment processes.

National Educational Website

If the AEC/EC is unsure of whether a school is classified as a public or private/for-profit, the AEC/EC may navigate to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) website and enter the name of the school to determine the school classification.

Identifying Eligible Adult Schools

Adult Education administered by a community college and adult schools receiving funding from the Adult Education Block Grant are considered publicly funded post-secondary educational institutions for STEP eligibility purposes. If the AEC/EC is unsure of whether an adult school is eligible for SB 1232, the AEC/EC can refer to the CalAdultEd website and input the name of the school to determine eligibility.

Orientation & Appraisal

SB 768 establishes that a CalWORKs STEP participant must not be required to participate in Orientation & Appraisal/OCAT procedures more than once unless that participant has had a break of more than one year in receiving aid or supportive services.  In an effort to familiarize participants with the supportive services available to them and to help identify any potential barriers to participation, it is highly encouraged that STEP participants participate in Orientation & Appraisal by following existing Orientation & Appraisal/OCAT procedures.  

Noncompliance shall not be initiated for failure to attend Orientation & Appraisal for any STEP participant who has had a break of one year or less in receiving CalWORKs cash aid or supportive services and chooses not to attend Orientation & Appraisal.  


STEP participants are not required to have their educational program approved by an Assessment Counselor. The assigned AEC/EC is to approve the field of study. In addition, the participants are not subject to approval of their educational program based on the list of approved majors nor are they subject to Assessment testing for the purpose of approving a program.

A participant’s choice of post-secondary education courses or fields of study in publicly funded, post-secondary educational institutions cannot be denied, including when the educational program is not expected to lead to employment. The AEC/EC may advise clients about the job potential of their chosen educational path, considering relevant factors including but not limited to, labor market conditions, the client’s individual work and educational history, and any criminal background that would impact employability.

Assessment will be conducted only to identify barriers to participation, such as domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health, and learning disability. Assessment can also be used to assist clients with career exploration, identifying bridging activities, or assisting a part-time student with identifying a concurrent activity. As an option, the Assessment can be done via phone or electronic means.

Proof of Enrollment

Verification of enrollment is required prior to signing a WTW Plan and issuing transportation, diaper and supportive service payments. For STEP participants, a signed WTW Plan is not required to advance the standard ancillary payment for required books and college supplies, as long as proof of enrollment is provided. Proof of enrollment includes a class schedule that shows the number of academic units or instructional hours. When the class schedule is not available, and there are other documents, such as a school-developed stage/mock plan, enrollment welcome letter, or email from the school indicating enrollment, the AEC/EC is to act upon the verification to calculate the correct ancillary advancement for books and supplies.

Other information such as a comprehensive conversation with the client can be documented to help the AEC/EC develop the WTW Plan, when no other information or documentation is available. As additional information becomes available, the WTW plan can be amended. No stage plan/mock plan is necessary when any proof of enrollment is provided to develop the WTW 2 with the required hours of participation.

The community college liaison will also provide an education plan, which is to be utilized by the EC to help develop the WTW Plan.

WTW Plan

The duration of the WTW Plan will be developed in alignment with the duration of the Educational Plan. The WTW 2 will specify the number of required hours (20, 30, or 35), the number of units, class times, times for online courses (as applicable), and study time computation. The WTW Plan will also include in the Additional Comments section: “Follow the class schedule,” where applicable.

WTW Plans can be provided and signed electronically. A new WTW Plan will be developed no later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the school term when:

  • Signing an initial WTW Plan for an educational activity
  • Change in status from full-time to part-time; from semester to quarter, or vice versa
  • Changes in career goal or major.

Note: If a new WTW 2 is not provided to the client by 30 days before the start of the subsequent school term, the previous WTW 2 will remain in effect and the previous advance ancillary payment for required books and college supplies will be used for the subsequent school term.

Homework Study Time

Homework study time under SB 1232 can be supervised or unsupervised and is deemed by adding three hours of study time for each class unit. The study time is to be embedded within the WTW 2 and in CalSAWS for the appropriate educational activity: Vocational Training. Verification of study time is not required. The study time can be more than 3 hours per unit, if the school prescribes it, such as for a student who has a learning disability. When the class unit is a unit fraction, round up to the nearest unit. Example: 0.5 unit is rounded up to 1.0 unit. Classes such as labs, guidance classes, or physical education classes are covered under all STEP provisions.

SB 768 establishes that a part-time STEP participant’s hourly participation may be calculated using either academic units or instructional hours interchangeably.  
When calculating a STEP participant’s participation hours, an instructional hour is defined to mean class time of 50 minutes.  
When classes are non-credit/non-units, three hours of study time for each instructional hour is allowed.

The number of units for noncredit courses cannot be used in the calculation of study time for online courses. To determine participation hours, the AEC/EC should review the same class that is offered in-person to determine the instructional hours. Once the instructional hours are known, the study time calculation can be computed.

Note:  Unsupervised study time is to continue to be used for only private, for-profit schools and is to be embedded within the appropriate activity on the WTW 2. Unsupervised study time cannot exceed one hour for each hour of class time.


A STEP participant who is enrolled full-time is deemed to be meeting participation requirements.

Students attending part-time may need to be assigned a concurrent activity if the class units and study time do not meet the minimum participation requirements. The client can propose from the full array of WTW activities for the concurrent activity, or be referred to in-house Assessment for assistance in identifying the concurrent activity.

SIP rules do not apply under STEP provisions. In a two-parent household, each parent can attend school and share the 35 total weekly participation hourly requirement.

Example: For an AU of 2. Parent 1 is enrolled in two non-credit/non-unit courses at DeAnza Community College. Each course is 3 hours in instructional time. Instructional time is 6 hours = (2 X 3). Study time is 18 hours = (6 X 3). Total participation is 24 hours = instructional time (6) + Study time (18). Parent 2 is enrolled at San Jose City College in one 3-unit class. Study time = 9 (3 X 3). Total participation is 12 hours = (3 + 9). The combined weekly participation hours for Parent 1 (24) + Parent 2 (12) = 36 hours.

Participation During School Breaks

School breaks are defined by the educational institution and include breaks both within and between terms.  For example, spring and Thanksgiving breaks typically occur within a given academic term, while winter and summer breaks typically occur between academic terms.  Transfer periods from one qualifying educational institution to another also qualifies as a school break if the transfer period falls between adjacent school-year terms for which enrollment and/or admission verification has been provided.

SB 768 establishes that STEP participants must not be required to participate in WTW activities during school breaks to satisfy the educational hours portion of their WTW hourly participation requirements; however, they should be encouraged to participate in voluntary WTW activities to maximize the benefit of CalWORKs programs and associated supportive services.  

STEP participants who choose to participate during school breaks must be treated like other voluntary participants in that they must be provided all necessary supportive services to enable their participation and will not be subject to noncompliance and sanction for any failure to participate.  

Good Cause may be granted to STEP participants for nonparticipation during breaks in between terms, i.e., summer and winter break.  When granting Good Cause the AEC/EC is to navigate to the WTW Status Detail page in CalSAWS and select “Good Cause” in the Status field and “Other Substantial & Compelling Reasons” in the Status Reason field and add a Journal Entry to the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.

Once the break in between school terms ends the AEC/EC must end Good Cause by updating the CalSAWS WTW Status Detail page by selecting “Active” in the Status field and “Enrolled” in the Status field.

Establishing Academic Session Type for Adult Schools

To determine whether school enrollment is considered a semester or quarter term, the term is based on the duration of the academic session. A client enrolled in an adult program for 13 weeks or less is equivalent to a quarter term. Enrollment for any period exceeding 13 weeks is to be treated as a semester term.

For clients who enroll in an adult school mid-session, their quarter/semester determination and advance standard payment should be determined based on the number of weeks they are enrolled instead of the number of weeks of the full-term course.

Example: A client who enrolls in a 16-week adult school course during the fifth week of the session would be enrolled in the course for 12 weeks, thus they would be considered enrolled in a quarter system, and would be eligible for the appropriate quarter system advance standard payment. If the client decides to enroll at the same adult school during the following session for a full 16-week educational session, they would be considered enrolled in a semester school system and eligible for the appropriate SB 1232 semester-based advance standard payment.

Full-Time/Part-Time Enrollment Status

Adult school enrollment status is based on the number of instructional hours a client is enrolled per week. A participant who is enrolled in classes requiring 12 or more instructional hours per week is considered full-time. Enrollment in less than 12 instructional hours per week is considered part-time. A client who is enrolled in an academic session lasting less than 8 weeks is considered part-time, regardless of the number of instructional hours required for their classes.

To calculate instructional hours for clients enrolled in self-directed courses at adult schools, the AEC/EC will go based on the expected number of hours per week for the course as documented in the client’s course syllabus.

Reminder: An instructional hour is defined as class time of 50 minutes.  

Example: A STEP participant is taking two semester term courses at an adult school that does not use academic units and whose proof of enrollment does not indicate whether they are enrolled full- or part-time.
Course A meets for 50 minutes, three times a week.
50 minutes multiplied by 3 classes = 150 minutes of weekly class time.
150 minutes divided by 50 minutes (an instructional hour as defined) =
3 weekly instructional hours.
Course B meets for 80 minutes, twice a week.
80 minutes multiplied by 2 classes = 160 minutes of weekly class time.
160 minutes divided by 50 (an instructional hour) = 3.2 weekly instructional hours.
Therefore, the STEP participant in this example is enrolled in a total of 6.2 instructional hours (3 for Course A, plus 3.2 for Course B) this semester. This is less than a total of 12 weekly instructional hours and is considered part-time enrollment.

Supportive Services

STEP students are entitled to the full array of services including Ancillary, Transportation, Diaper, and Child Care supportive services.

Regular Academic Year Ancillary for Books and Supplies

WTW participants attending a publicly funded educational institution of higher education are to receive an advanced, standard ancillary payment per term based on their enrollment status. The payment covers required books and college supplies and must be issued 10 calendar days prior to the beginning of each school term. Receipts/estimates are not required for the standard ancillary payment.

The participant should have a signed WTW Plan on file, or proof of enrollment, with information to calculate correct payment based on school status of full-time/part-time and type of term (quarter/semester) to be advanced one of the following ancillary standard payment amounts when:

  • Enrolled full-time in a semester term: $500
  • Enrolled full-time in a quarter term: $350
  • Enrolled part-time in a semester term: $250
  • Enrolled part-time in a quarter term: $175
  • Enrolled in Winter Intersession term(s): $175
  • Enrolled in Summer full session issue $350
  • Enrolled in Summer condensed sessions issue $175 per condensed session.

If a student requires additional ancillary for required books and supplies, receipts/estimate Ancillary Expenses Estimate, Request and Verification form SCD 1584 are required. Students can network with their community college liaison to better gauge the total cost of required books and college supplies.

Summer Session Advance Standard Payments

SB 768 codified that for the purpose of STEP, summer sessions must be counted as quarters.  STEP participants who are enrolled in summer sessions are eligible to receive an advanced standard payment based on their enrollment status during the summer session.

Clients enrolled in a summer session lasting the duration of the summer term as determined by the educational institution (typically around 12 weeks) are eligible for $350 for full-time enrollees and $175 for part-time enrollees regardless of whether the educational institution adheres to a semester or quarter system during the normal school year.

Clients enrolled in a condensed summer session (less than the full summer term offered at the educational institution) must be provided an advance standard payment of $175 per condensed session, regardless of their full-time or part-time enrollment status. A client who is enrolled in two condensed summer sessions is to receive two payments of $175.

Winter Intersessions

Clients enrolled in winter intersessions are entitled to receive a $175 advance standard payment regardless of their full-time or part-time status and regardless of whether the school follows a semester or quarter system. Clients enrolled in winter intersessions are considered to be meeting their hourly WTW participation requirements.

Enrollment in Multiple STEP Eligible Institutions

WTW participants may be enrolled simultaneously in multiple STEP eligible institutions. In cases like this, the AEC/EC must calculate the total number of units and/or instructional hours across all STEP eligible institutions to determine the client’s enrollment status and the appropriate advance standard payment amount.

Participants determined to be enrolled in 12 or more units/instructional hours are considered full-time. Enrollment in less than a total of 12 units/instructional hours is considered part-time. If a participant is simultaneously enrolled in a quarter and semester-based STEP eligible institutions, the AEC/EC is to issue the appropriate semester-based advance standard payment. The maximum advance standard payment a STEP participant can receive for the duration of an academic session is $500 regardless of the number of academic units/ instructional hours they are enrolled in.

Standard Ancillary Payment

AEC/EC Staff will advance the standard ancillary payment for required books and supplies directly to the client using the DSRC 147628 listing. The listing will be generated once prior to the beginning of schools that operate under the semester system, and once for schools that operate under the quarter system. CWES staff is to follow the payment process below.

The assigned Management Analyst (MA):

  • Receives and validates the DSR 147628 report
  • Saves finalized reports in the Saved Drive.
  • Updates the report as needed.


  • Retrieves listing and verifies the participating students are enrolled and eligible for payment.
  • A minimum of 10-days prior to the new semester or quarter, creates a Need and Service Arrangement in CalSAWS. Selects Ancillary-Education for the Category and Advanced Standard Ancillary Payment for the Type payment drop-down menus and enters “SB 1232” in the Description field of the Need Detail page. On the Service Arrangement Detail page, in the Service Type Description field, enters “books and supplies for Fall part-time 2024"
  • Enters a CalSAWS Journal Entry to include, “Ancillary for required books and educational supplies advanced per SB 1232 for Fall part-time semester 2024."  Ancillary for required books and educational supplies advanced per SB 1232 for Fall 2024 part-time semester. 



Student payment cannot be issued timely (for late enrollment, late submission of enrollment proof, etc.),

At the time of the student's request (any time during the semester or quarter):

Verifies that the student is eligible for the payment.

Within 10 days of proof of enrollment, creates a Need and Service Arrangement in CalSAWS, and approves the standard ancillary payment for required books and supplies using the Category of Ancillary-Education and Type of Advanced Standard Ancillary Payment in the drop-down menus of the Need Detail page. On the Service Arrangement Detail page, in the Service Type Description field, enters “Books and supplies for Fall 2024 Part-time semester"

Student requires additional funding for school-related costs (books, fees, supplies, etc.),

Within 20-days of the request:

Receives a request for additional funding from the student or liaison, completes the Ancillary Expenses Estimate, Request and Verification (SCD 1548) if the form has not been completed yet.

Creates a Need and Service Arrangement in CalSAWS, and approves subsequent Ancillary payment.

Obtains receipts of actual costs associated with the initial advanced payment and receipts for the additional payment within 10 calendar days of payment issuance.

Note: AEC/EC does not need to wait for the DSR listing to be issued to make an educational ancillary payment. If the client is enrolled in an eligible STEP educational institution, the AEC/EC may issue the standard ancillary payment at least 10 days prior to the start of the new quarter/semester.

Additional Payments

For additional amounts over the standard ancillary payment, the assigned EC will create a Need and Service Arrangement in CalSAWS, and approve subsequent payment(s) within 20 calendar days of the client request(s) and the provision of receipts and/or Ancillary Expenses Estimate, Request and Verification (SCD 1548). Verification of actual costs associated with the initial advanced payment must be provided to the assigned AEC/EC prior to issuing the additional ancillary payment(s), in addition to providing the receipts for the additional payment.

The assigned AEC/EC will also issue the difference in the standard payment amount when the client’s enrollment status changes from part-time to full-time during the current term.

The AEC/EC is to review the CalSAWS Issuance History page and Journal Entries prior to issuing the payment to ensure the correct payment is made.

Note: Repayment of school loans and tuition are not allowed as an ancillary expense.

Late Payments

The student is eligible for the ancillary payment at any point in time during the quarter or semester. When the initial advance ancillary payment for required books and supplies cannot be issued timely to the client, such as for students who enroll late or for students who did not provide proof of enrollment timely, the assigned AEC/EC will create a Need and Service Arrangement in CalSAWS, and approve the standard initial payment to the client. The payment will be made within 10 calendar days of proof of enrollment received.

The AEC/EC is to review the CalSAWS Issuance History page and Journal Entries prior to issuing the payment to ensure the correct payment is made.


Overpayments do not apply if the actual cost of required books/college supplies was less than the standard ancillary payment, or if the student’s enrollment status subsequently changes to part-time during the term. As long as the student was eligible at the time of payment, there is no overpayment.

Overpayments exist if clients receive a payment for which they were not eligible. The assigned AEC/EC is to ensure that the educational activity in CalSAWS is in the correct status prior to the beginning of each school term. When a WTW participant is no longer attending school, ensure that the appropriate educational activity is in a closed status.

Satisfactory Progress

Satisfactory Progress measurement is determined by the schools, which is based on the ability of the student to enroll in the subsequent school term. A participant is satisfactorily participating if verification of enrollment is provided at initial enrollment or provided at the beginning of each subsequent school term. GPA does not apply for the purpose of measuring satisfactory progress for STEP students.

SB 1232 Informing Notice

The SB 1232 Informing Notice (SB 1232) provides information to WTW participants who are interested in postsecondary education and advanced standard payments for books and supplies at an approved school.  The AEC/EC can manually generate and issue the SB 1232 Informing Notice in the Template Repository Search page of CalSAWS.  The AEC/EC can determine when and which client should receive the notice, as not every client will require it.

SCD 1755A

As part of county policy, the Attendance Verification SCD 1755A is to be completed monthly, along with the provider section signed off. This ensures that the AEC/EC may address any barriers or participation problems, including initiating case conferences as needed to support the client’s academic goals.

The AEC/EC will continue updating the educational activities and CalSAWS attendance in the Activity Progress Summary page monthly per existing procedures.

Note: Federal TANF WPR rules are unchanged with SB 1232 and SB 768.  AECs/ECs should continue encouraging STEP participants to submit a completed SCD 1755A on a monthly basis.  However, no action against the client's education status, or WTW program status can be taken if a STEP participant fails to submit a completed SCD 1755A.   The signed-off provider section supports federal WPR requirements in the event the client is selected for the federal WPR sample.


Existing noncompliance procedures are to be followed; however, noncompliance shall not be initiated for a STEP participant who:

  • Refrains from attending Orientation/Appraisal, and who has had a break of one year or less in receiving CalWORKs cash aid or supportive services.
  • Fails to submit their Attendance Verification form (SCD 1755A).


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