Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan
[EAS 42-701 and 711]
The WTW Plan, also referred to as the WTW 2, is a plan developed by the county and the client that specifies the WTW activities and supportive services that will be provided to the client.
All Nonexempt individuals are required to enter into a Welfare-to-Work Plan Activity Assignment (WTW2). Exempt volunteers may also enter into a WTW Plan. The WTW Plan identifies the client’s goals, activities, and services necessary to assist the client in obtaining employment and becoming self-sufficient.
CalSAWS Timelines
The 90-Day Timeline is for requiring Nonexempt individuals to participate in WTW activities by signing a WTW Plan within the specific time frames per [EAS 42-711.62]. CWES clients are required to enter into a WTW Plan no later than 90 days from the date the individual is determined eligible for cash aid or the date the client is required to participate in WTW activities, unless the client is exempt. The WTW 90-Day Timeline List page allows the worker to monitor the 90-day counter.
The Timeline Limit Summary displays TANF and CalWORKs 60-month Time on Aid clocks. For our county, utilize the CalWORKS Used Months and CalWORKS Remaining Months fields.
The Vocational Education Track Summary page tracks the 12-month vocational training clock for Self-Initiated Programs (SIP) and Vocational Education activities.
Welfare-to-Work Plan Activity Assignment (WTW 2)
The Welfare-to-Work Plan Activity Assignment (WTW 2), also referred to as the WTW Plan, specifies the activities that the client will participate in. The WTW 2 must be completed and signed by the AEC/EC or service provider and the client. The AEC/EC or the service provider must check the assigned activity(ies) on the WTW 2 and provide specific information about the participation requirements and supportive services.
For post-assessment, a new WTW Plan is developed by the AEC/EC and forwarded to the service provider to be implemented. In these cases, the service provider will not develop a new WTW Plan.
Clients may choose to incorporate into their (WTW 2) substance abuse and mental health services participation, provided they disclose the information to their EC during the intake process. The Welfare-to-Work Activity Agreement (WTW 2) must be completed. Other mental health and substance abuse hours that are disclosed at a later date also count as federal core and are subject to Job Readiness calculations. However, clients do not have to come into the office to complete a new WTW 2. It is important that when updating CalSAWS mental health and substance abuse activities, that they be closed and opened based on whether they are in the plan or outside the plan.
The WTW Plan is signed:
- At the CWES Orientation
- Every 12 months, or as appropriate based on the activity
- Prior to beginning a new activity.
WTW Plan Information
The WTW 2 must be fully completed and thoroughly reviewed with the client and the client must be asked if they understand the information before signing. The WTW 2 provides information on the following:
- Client’s mandatory, volunteer, or Self-Initiated Program (SIP) status
- For Subsidized Employment, whether Private or Public/Non-Profit Sector
- Activity start and end date(s)
- Anticipated duration of required WTW activities
- Number of hours for participation and time of each activity
- Location of each activity and Service Providers
- Supportive services the client will receive
- Rights and responsibilities
- Requests for accommodations
- Additional comments.
The WTW 2 Plan's Comments section should include any additional information as it pertains to the client and activity(ies).
When completing a WTW Plan, the AEC/EC must inform clients whether Job Readiness activities offered at all Adult Education or Community College programs are embedded.
Clients who do not have a HS Diploma/equivalent are to be referred to secondary educational activities. If the client does not wish to participate in the secondary educational activities, the client may enroll in an appropriate initial engagement activity. The client will make that election, in writing, on the WTW Plan by documenting in the “Additional Comments” section, using a statement such as “Client elects to not pursue a high school diploma or equivalent at this time.”
Hours of Participation
[EAS 42-701.1(b) and (c)]
Clients who are required to participate in the CWES program must engage in WTW activities for required hours each week. Clients should make satisfactory progress toward their activity while meeting the participation requirements.
Additional Hours Beyond Participation Requirements
Clients may not be subject to sanction for failing to participate in any number of hours beyond the required 20, 30, or 35 hours per week for WTW participation, even though additional hours may be written into the client’s WTW plan. The additional hours must be agreed upon by the client and the worker.
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Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan - Monitoring the Plan
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Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan - Modification of a Plan
Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan - Completions and Terminations
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