Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan - Completions and Terminations

When a client who was attending Community College, Adult Education, or some other service provider, completes or stops attending, refer to the following table:



Client completes,

The service provider sends an email to the AEC/EC.

The AEC/EC updates the activity status in CalSAWS with “Completed”.

Client stops attending,

The service provider sends an email to the assigned AEC/EC within three working days.

The AEC/EC updates the CalSAWS activity as “Not Making Satisfactory Progress” in the Performance drop-down menu of the Performance Comments section on the Activity Progress Summary page.

The AEC/EC takes appropriate action. Refer to Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Introduction.

Notification to Service Provider

CWES staff will notify the service provider when the client stops attending for any of the following reasons:

  • Becomes exempt,
  • Cash aid is discontinued,
  • Becomes sanctioned,
  • Is referred to another activity, or
  • Activity is no longer appropriate.

Educational Activity Ended

When a client who was attending Community College, Adult Education, or some other service provider, completes or stops attending his or her educational activity at the same time as his or her Community Service, refer to the following table:



Client completes

The service provider sends an email to the AEC/EC.

The AEC/EC updates the activity status in CalSAWS with “Completed”.

Client stops attending,

The service provider sends an email to the assigned AEC/EC within three working days.

The AEC/EC updates the CalSAWS activity as “Not Making Satisfactory Progress” in the Performance drop-down menu of the Performance Comments section on the Activity Progress Summary page.

The AEC/EC takes appropriate action. Refer to Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Introduction.

Adult Education Activity with Community Service

When a client's participation at an Adult Education site has ended, the client will be advised by the site representative to continue participating in the community service activity until the assigned AEC/EC develops a new WTW Plan.

If the assigned EC determines with the client that...

Then the Community Service activity will...

It would be appropriate for the client to continue in the same community service assignment,

Be included in the new WTW Plan.

It would NOT be appropriate for the client to continue in the same community service assignment,

NOT be included in the new WTW Plan, and

Ended in the CalSAWS.

When the community service assignment is included in the new WTW Plan that AEC/EC developed, and the next activity will be at another Adult Education site, then the assigned the AEC/EC must inform the Adult Education Representative receiving the new WTW Plan of the community service assignment and community service site contact. The AEC/EC will include the community service activity in the new WTW Plan and enter the activity into CalSAWS to coincide with the other WTW activity. The new site representative will be the one to monitor the community service assignment.

Adult Education Activity with Work Experience (WEX)

When a client's participation at an Adult Education site has ended, the client will be advised by the site representative to continue participating in the work experience activity until the assigned AEC/EC develops a new WTW Plan. However, the Adult Education Site Representative will end the worksite in the ECA database.

If the assigned AEC/EC determines with the client that...

Then the WEX activity will...

It would be appropriate for the client to continue in the same WEX assignment,

Be included in the new WTW Plan; and

End date must be extended to coincide with the other WTW activity in CalSAWS.

REMINDER: The assigned AEC/EC must notify the new Adult Education Site Representative to add the WEX site back into the ECA database.

It would NOT be appropriate for the client to continue in the same WEX assignment,

NOT be included in the new WTW Plan.

REMINDER: The assigned AEC/EC must notify the WEX Unit to terminate the WEX assignment.

When the WEX assignment is included in the new WTW Plan and the next activity will be at another Adult Education site, the assigned AEC/EC is to inform the Adult Education Representative receiving the new WTW Plan of the continuation of the WEX assignment. The new site representative is to enter/add the worksite into the ECA database to reflect the continuation of the WEX assignment as a new placement.

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