Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Referral to Community Colleges

CWES refers clients to colleges for post-assessment education and/or vocational training and other WTW activities, as needed.

Welfare-to-Work Plans

Below are the primary allowable activities to be entered on a WTW Plan for clients attending Community Colleges:

Note: Unpaid college sponsored internships are assumed to be embedded in this activity and do not require a separate verification or entry on the WTW Plan or in CalSAWS.

  • Work Study
  • College-sponsored unpaid WEX
  • Unsubsidized employment.

Educational Plan

The following policies apply only to Consortium Colleges.

The college liaison completes the Educational Plan SCD 1758 for SIPs and post-assessment non-SIPs. The Plan will remain in force for the duration of the educational/vocational period or 60 months, whichever occurs first. The college liaison will develop an Educational Plan that lists the required classes for the client’s WTW Plan. The Community Colleges will also offer summer bridging activities for enrolled students awaiting to start their course of study in the fall.

Note: Colleges using the school’s electronic student educational plan will need to complete the top portion of the SCD 1758, check off the box “Refer to attached Educational Plan,” sign/date, and attach a copy of the electronic educational plan.

Refer to Documentation of Enrollment.

Client Referrals

For client referrals to colleges, the AEC/EC must send a secure email referral to the designated person at the college. In addition to the email for post-assessment clients, CWES staff must email the WTW Plan. The secure email to the college should include:

  • Client's Name (NOT on the subject line)
  • CalSAWS Case Number
  • Last four digits of the SSN (NOT on the subject line)
  • Phone number, if different than in CalSAWS
  • Name of the WTW activity
  • If the client is post-assessment
  • Vocational goal (if post-assessment)
  • Time remaining on the 60-month clock
  • FLSA hours
  • Compliance plan, if on a compliance plan.

College Liaison Appointment and Verification

Contracted colleges will use the Welfare-to-Work Activity Referral Form SCD 1723.

The form is also used for non-partner schools, such as private schools and San Jose State University.

Actions Taken by Community College

The service provider performs the following to reflect the results of the referral:

If the Client...

Then the Service Provider...

And Assigned AEC/EC....


Sends an email to the assigned AEC/EC,

Updates the activity Status to Active and Status Reason to Attending on the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS.

Enters a Journal Entry in CalSAWS.

Note: The first day of attendance is the first day that the client shows up for the first day of class.

No Shows,

Sends an email to the assigned AEC/EC,

Updates the activity Status to Closed and Status Reason to No Show on the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS.

Contacts the client.  If the client is unresponsive, initiates noncompliance, if appropriate.

Enters a Journal Entry in CalSAWS.

Note: For Post-Assessment, the Assessment EC will add a Journal Entry and notify the assigned AEC/EC to update CalSAWS accordingly.

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Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Educational Activities

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