Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan - Amending the Plan

Adult Education liaisons have the authority to amend WTW Plans, as appropriate. However, for a WTW Plan developed by an in-house Assessment counselor, a case conference is required prior to amending the plan. Plan amendments are done only on plans where career goals have not changed when adding concurrent and/or sequential activities.

Example: The service provider notifies CWES that basic skills are required prior to starting vocational training and they were not included on the WTW Plan.

In instances when an AEC/EC and liaison disagree, the AEC/EC will consult with their immediate supervisor who will make the final decision. The supervisor will advise the liaison and the AEC/EC of the final decision.

An amended Welfare-to-Work Plan Activity Assignment WTW 2 is required to be signed when amending a WTW Plan.

The AEC/EC may amend a WTW 2 when information is received concerning the need for an ancillary service that solely adds/changes the hours to the plan, but has no impact on the goals of the existing plan. If the AEC/EC has any questions about the impact of the change on the plan, that AEC/EC may request a case conference with their Unit Supervisor and/or the Assessment Counselor. The AEC/EC must attempt to contact the Assessment Counselor who developed the original plan, but if that Assessment Counselor is not available, any available Assessment Counselor may be contacted.

When only the service provider changes, the AEC/EC will amend the existing WTW Plan by completing an amended WTW 2 and making the required referral to the new provider. The AEC/EC must document on the Journal Detail page and make the appropriate changes in CalSAWS. CalSAWS functionality does not allow the user to amend the WTW Plan.  The AEC/EC would need to enter a new WTW Plan in CalSAWS. 

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