Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Referrals to Adult Education Providers

Clients are referred to Adult Education service providers for pre-assessment activities. Pre-assessment referrals during the appraisal are made based on the following:

  • No work history in the last two years
  • No high school diploma or GED
  • Limited English speaking
  • Non-English speaking
  • Enrolled in ABE/GED/HSD/ESL program (select ABE on the WTW 2).

Clients are referred for post-assessment activities to Adult Education providers to implement WTW Plans, to resume a WTW Plan, or to restore a WTW Plan for activity(ies) offered at the Adult Education site. Adult Education providers will also offer summer bridging activities for enrolled students awaiting to start their course of study in the fall.

Assessment Timeframes

A client may be referred to an Adult Education service provider for an assessment to develop and implement a WTW Plan. When a client is initially referred to an Adult Education site from Orientation/Appraisal, the WTW Plan must reflect the Assessment activity for a 30-day period.

Assessment can be accomplished through Distance Learning. Distance learning-related activities will be embedded within assessment.

Note: Once the Adult Education provider completes the assessment and the WTW Plan is developed, the AEC/EC should implement the WTW Plan as outlined and enter the plan in CalSAWS. The service provider will forward to the AEC/EC a copy of the signed WTW Plan once assignments are made. Service providers should take into account occupational background checks. Refer to CWES Assessment - Occupational Background Checks.

Upon completion of the WTW Plan, which must be completed within 30 days, the subsequent WTW Plan will reflect one or more of the following WTW activities:

  • ABE
  • ESL
  • HSD
  • GED
  • VTR
  • Community Service or WEX (County-sponsored site), and/or
  • Unsubsidized employment.

Referrals to Adult Education Service Providers

To initiate a referral, the AEC/EC will schedule the client for a placement test or an appointment with the Agency Representative. Referrals to Adult Education sites are done sending a secure email of the completed Welfare-to-Work Activity Referral Form SCD 1723 to the site representative.

The AEC/EC also needs to assign the referral activity in CalSAWS as follows:

  • Contacts the school representative to obtain the next placement test date for assessment/orientation (if the school has not provided a testing schedule to CWES), or to schedule an appointment with the site representative.

The AEC/EC sends a secure email to the designated person at the following sites:

  • Metropolitan Adult Education/Silicon Valley Adult Education
  • Morgan Hill Adult Education
  • East Side Adult Education
  • Milpitas Adult Education
  • Mountain View Adult Education
  • Santa Clara Adult Education
  • Fremont Adult Education
  • Campbell Adult and Community Education (Del Mar and Blackford).

Results and Update

The service provider performs the following to reflect the results of the referral:

If the Client...

Then the Service Provider... 

And the Assigned AEC/EC...


Develops a WTW Plan if pre-assessment, and


Sends an email to the assigned AEC/EC,

Updates the activity Status to Active and Status Reason to Attending on the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS.

Enters a Journal Entry in CalSAWS.

Note: The first day of attendance is the first day that the client shows up for Testing/Assessment/Orientation, not the first day of class.

No Shows,

Sends an email to the assigned AEC/EC,


Updates the activity Status to Closed and Status Reason to No Show on the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS.

Contacts the client.  If the client is unresponsive, initiates noncompliance, if appropriate.

Enters a Journal Entry in CalSAWS.

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