Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Developing the Plan

WTW Plans may be developed by the case carrying AEC/EC, an Assessment Counselor, or designated service providers.

Length of Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

WTW Plans are generally developed in 12-month increments. Some exceptions are:

  • Supervised Job Search/ Part-Time Job Search activity types
  • Assessment
  • Clients that do not have at least 12 months left on their 60-month clock
  • Refugee vocational training
  • VTR to be assigned for the duration of the Education Plan/Certification/Degree completion
  • SNA until the end of the quarter or semester, not to exceed four months
  • Other exceptions TBD by Assessment (In-House/Service Provider)
  • Exempt Volunteer and Excused Second Parent
  • Age of youngest child.

Concurrent/Sequential Activities

Participation in activities assigned on the WTW Plan may be concurrent or sequential and need to be consistent with the client’s goals, WTW Plan and/or the Education Plan (applicable only to colleges). Activities are assigned:

  • To meet the weekly hours of participation
  • Appropriate to the client’s abilities
  • Based on availability and scheduling
  • Students enrolled in online/distance learning activities must be enrolled in a concurrent activity to ensure compliance with the 20/30/35-hour participation requirements.

Changes to Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan

Activity Assignment

The client has three working days after signing the WTW 2 to evaluate and request changes to the terms of the WTW 2.

First Activity

A client has 30 days from the beginning of the activity assignment in which to request a change to another activity.

  • The request for assignment to another activity must be granted if another assignment is available and consistent with the individual’s assessment results.
  • This 30-day grace period is only available once to each participant.

Support Services Needs

[EAS 42-701.1(d)]

Supportive services needs such as child care, transportation, diapers and ancillary must be identified on the WTW Plan. In addition, expanded services may include mental health, substance and domestic abuse counseling. These expanded activities are in addition to the scheduled 20/30/35 hours required weekly. Refer to  Transportation-Related Expenses for additional information.

Note: The client needs to initial and date the supportive services section of WTW 2 only if the client declines services.

Other Support Services

Other support services may be offered by (or through) the Agency to CWES clients on an “as needed” basis to assist in the removal of barriers that are preventing self-sufficiency. The services do not need to be written on the WTW 2; however, they do need to be considered when the plan is developed.

These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Bike to Work
  • Jump Start Vehicle Repair
  • Expungement Services
  • Emergency Rides (via Ancillary).

Reasonable Accommodations

When a participant needs special services, such as because of a disability, the services are listed on page 3 of the WTW 2.

Refer to Services to People with Disabilities for additional information on reasonable accommodations.

CalSAWS Vocational Training Timelines

CalSAWS tracks the months the participant spent actual time in a Vocational Training activity on the Vocational Education Track Summary page. The 12-month VTR timeline is a tool to assist with tracking the time limit for federal WPR.

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Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan - Completions and Terminations

Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Ancillary Services