Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Referrals to Community Based Organizations (CBOs)

CWES can refer clients to CBOs as a result of an assessment. Agreements with CBOs are renewed annually by the ESI. CWES staff are informed in writing of any new agreement or any changes to existing agreements.

CBO Referral and Results Process

Referrals to CBOs can be made as a result of a recommended activity(ies) on the WTW Plan developed by an AC. For CIU referrals, refer to the Work Registration, Employment and Training Requirements and Refugee Employment Social Services (RESS) for more information.

The Welfare-to-Work Activity Referral Form SCD 1723 will be used for non-CalSAWS users. The following steps outline the referral and results process.

A. The AEC/EC:

  • Completes the SCD 1723.
  • Sends a secure email of the SCD 1723 to the service provider.
  • Sets up supportive services, as appropriate.

B. The Service Provider:

  • Meets with the client.
  • Indicates if the client:
    • Is enrolled
    • Did not show
    • Is not enrolled and specifies the reason.
  • Indicates the client’s schedule, date of enrollment, area of study or training program, and the anticipated end date.

A non-CalSAWS service provider may provide verification of enrollment and participation on their letterhead. The letter from the service provider must also include appropriate WTW activity information.

CBO Service Provider in CalSAWS

If the service provider is a CalSAWS user then the service provider performs the following to reflect the results of the referral:

If the Client...

Then the Service Provider...


Updates the activity Status to Active and Status Reason to Attending on the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS..

No Shows,

Updates the activity Status to Closed and Status Reason to No Show on the Customer Activity Status Detail page in CalSAWS.

Sends an email to the assigned CWES/CIU staff.

Monitoring Progress by CBO

A CBO that is a non-CalSAWS user will use the CWES Attendance Sheet  SCD 502, Attendance Verification SCD 1755A or appropriate form(s) to monitor progress. These forms allow attendance to be entered for a full month at a time. The SCD 502 will be emailed to the AEC/EC by the 5th day of each month.

The Participation and Attendance Alert SCD 1766 will be used to notify the AEC/EC of any participation problems, unexcused absences, or unsatisfactory progress. The CBO must notify the AEC/EC within three working days.

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