Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan Educational Activities

Satisfactory Attendance at Secondary School or in a GED Program

Regular attendance, in accordance with the requirements of the secondary school or course of study, such as GED, at a secondary school or in a course of study leading to a certificate of general equivalence, in the case of a client who has not completed secondary school or received such a certificate. Refer to School Attendance [EAS 42-719].

Adult Basic Education

ABE is a WTW activity that includes instruction in reading, writing, arithmetic, high school proficiency, or general educational development certificate instruction, and ESL.

Clients may be referred to participate in ABE when it is determined appropriate and recommended to address the individual’s barriers to employment and the individual may benefit from:

  • A high school diploma or GED certificate/equivalent;
  • Basic literacy or mathematics skills; or
  • If a previous Learning Disabilities related plan indicates ABE that a client did not complete.

Vocational Education

A client is to be scheduled for VTR for the duration of the education plan or VTR degree/certification completion.

Note: For federal WPR, there is a 12-month time limit for VTR.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

ESL is designed for non-native speakers. Instruction includes skill-building in reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, and pronunciation. Clients learn English skills needed to obtain and maintain employment.

If the AEC/EC identifies a need for ESL, the client is referred to an Adult Education service provider for an assessment to evaluate the client’s ESL level. A client may also be referred to ESL based upon the results of an assessment by in-house CWES assessment.

Unsupervised Study Time

For non-SB 1232 students, hours assigned as unsupervised study time may not exceed one hour for each hour of class time and is to be embedded within the appropriate activity on the WTW 2 and in CalSAWS.

Refer to SB 1232 Provisions for SB 1232 guidance.

CalWORKs Home Visiting Program (HVP)

During WTW Plan development, discuss the CalWORKs HVP with the client. The HVP is a voluntary program that pairs the client with a public health nurse or trained professional who makes regular home visits to provide guidance, coaching, access to prenatal and postnatal care, early learning resources, and other health and social services. Home visitation-related activities that do not meet the definition of activities assigned to CalWORKs federal standards are assigned to the activity number, "43 Home Visitation Program" in CalSAWS. Refer to the CalWORKS Home Visiting Program for additional information.

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